

Its my First post into the world of blogging. I will be writing for myself to save my thoughts without editing it neither filtering it. The last few days, one of the two key words which strongly reverberates in my mind is “DESTINY” . ( Another write up for the other word in the next days ). "DESTINY " :This Seven Letter word is basically defined as Fate, a predetermined state which we have no control over . It could be a topic of huge discussion do we have control over or no control over our destiny. The day , we are born ,we are destined for something special.                                                          No two individuals born in the world have exactly the same destiny neither the seven billion souls which are currently alive on this planet. So each one of our destiny is Unique & Special. We are destined to achieve something unique which cant be compared or shared with our parents, Children, Spouses, Friends , colleagues or whoever. We have to find our p